Since 2004 I've been writing and designing poetic stories that explore our relationship with nature, technology, consciousness, faith, and personal growth.
Most of my work is some mix of hip hop music with illustrated poetry. Sometimes these are big ambitious multimedia productions. Sometimes it's smaller scale work like zines or standalone songs. I also just like rhyming words for its own sake.
Everything I do is co-created with incredibly talented musicians and visual artists from around the world. None of these collaborative projects would be the same without them.
After a prolific 6-year run from 2012–2017, I took 6 years off from releasing anything to the public. I came back with a
A mask maker accepts that he will never earn an invite to the garden of immortals and begins creating art for himself.
My first full-length book. An illustrated poetic story and album of music with passages of the book.
Album produced by Ogi Feel the Beat.
Illustrated by Tanate Asami.
Album cover by Kyle Pherson.
A Spirit has separated from its body and left its former life. Now it drifts and searches for meaning in a place without form known as the INTER.
Originally released in weekly installments.
Album of music produced by Ogi Feel the Beat.
Comic drawn by Rachel Ang.
An album of hip hop and poetry that speaks on finding your voice amidst generational change and the difficulties of starting over, told through a loose narrative of migrating seeds over jazz and folk-influenced instrumentals.
Album of music produced by Antiq.
Booklet of poetry illustrated by Jennifer Martin.
A musical and comic about The Amazing Vanishing Man, a world-famous vaudeville escape artist who is trapped in a bad performing contract and aims
Album of music produced by Ogi Feel the Beat.
Comic drawn by Rosie Lockie.
A hip hop album with Deon Green as the group D&D, in collaboration with a variety of producers and vocalist Amy Peterson.
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A full-length musical story about a man's pull between the natural world and a rapidly changing city.
My first "official" album release, in collaboration with a variety of producers and musicians. Logo cover art by Kyle Pherson. Photo cover by Rachel Konsella.